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HomeAbout ICFNE


Serving Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Vermont

The International Coach Federation of New England (ICFNE) is the 11th largest of 147 global ICF chapters. With well established governance structures, financial stability, a broad reach and stellar reputation, ICFNE is the premier professional coaching association in New England.

A Vibrant Community

Over 1000 dedicated members and passionate volunteer leaders and dedicated chapter members, ICFNE is a vibrant community of coaches and associates. We are committed to engaging professional coaches for professional development and network support.  The mission of the chapter as stated in its by-laws is:
  • To provide a forum for professional development and preservation of integrity among coaches in New England. In accordance with ICF’s core purpose, the purpose of ICFNE is to lead global advancement of the coaching profession. ICFNE is a non-profit individual membership organization formed by regional professionals who practice, teach and/or research coaching. Our envisioned future is that coaching is an integral part of society and ICFNE members represent the highest quality in professional coaching;
  • To broaden public awareness and understanding of the capabilities and competencies of professional coaches and the benefits of coaching that accrue to their clients;
  • To maintain and develop a professional community of quality coaches;
  • To provide membership with continuing educational/development opportunities;
  • To provide a forum for connecting and engaging the ICFNE membership.

Governed by a Dedicated Board

An elected, volunteer ICFNE Board of Directors ensures that these goals are met by conducting annual strategic planning and monthly board meetings.  The Board is enthusiastic and steadfast about the health and stability of the chapter’s future. Additionally, it prides itself in a network of coaches who abide by the ICF Code of Ethics and who are in continuous pursuit the highest levels of professionalism.

Welcome to ICFNE!