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Member Bio

Michelle Violette 

Michelle Violette, PCC, CLC  Certified in Conversational Intelligence®

Contact Information

Michelle Violette, PCC, CLC
Certified in Conversational Intelligence®

Personal Information

Additional Information

Individual Coaching
Group Coaching
Team Coaching
Organizational Consulting
Trainings or Workshops
Meeting Facilitation
Keynote Speaking
Video conference
Business / Entrepreneur
Change & Transition
Conflict Resolution
Health and Wellness
Life Coaching
Team Coaching
PCC (Professional Certified Coach | 125+ hours of training | 500+ client hours | 20+ hours mentored)


As a director of marketing and design for over 20 years, I loved discovering the heart behind each brand. Then, through words and images, connecting "experience" with "value and meaning." As an executive leadership, relationship, and mindfulness coach, I draw on that same passion for discovery and meaningful connections to bridge the gap between clients and epiphany.

Along the way, I realized two things: one, behind every question or problem, a disconnection hides in the shadows. Two, I came into this world with the ability to see in those shadows, which empowered and moved me through some paralyzing and life-threatening experiences. It also led me back to a priceless asset tucked away—the expanded consciousness of my heart. And within that energetic powerhouse, I discovered the most effective change agent—my intact sense of self and the innate resources needed to breathe life back into everything I love. That heart of mine fires up with the transformative partnerships that coaching creates and fuels my passion for helping others free themselves from pain and what isn't working.

As an executive leadership coach, I’m honored to partner with Churchill Leadership Group to support their global clients, including AMEX, eBay, and PayPal. I offer onsite and virtual executive coaching for individuals and groups, as well as educational webinars, workshops, and intervention services. I specialize in customized approaches for stubborn challenges evading sustainable solutions. If this rings familiar, please contact me. Together, we'll put an end to inertia and blaze your new road to breakthrough and success.

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